Tellurium Q
Tellurium Q Silver Diamond XLR Interconnect Cable (pair)
Tellurium Q Silver Diamond XLR Interconnect Cable (pair)
1m / XLR / Black
22 Saint Kilda Road
22 Saint Kilda Road
Suite 2.02
St Kilda VIC 3182

Country of origin: United Kingdom
Silver Diamond XLR Cable
The Silver Diamond XLR sits right at the top of all our families of sound in terms of performance. Highly detailed, incredible range and above all natural. Once you hear a Silver Diamond XLR you will find it difficult to go back.
Performance Profile
Blue Family Warm and forgiving for systems with a slight edge or for those who like a more smooth laid back presentation. Blue and Ultra Blue are especially good for AV and home cinema
Black Family Smooth, fine detailed and great resolution while actually reducing apparent harshness. Music is presented as a coherent, organic whole, with a jaw-dropping sense of realism and naturalness.
Silver Family Totally uncoloured, acting as a wide open channel sounding unforced, vivid and dynamic with phenomenal resolution, transparency and natural tonal colours. All this while sounding extremely analog and coherent, from the exceptional top end extension to bottom with finely detailed, separated bass notes.
Reviews and User Comments
Pursuit Perfect System
“Like a camera lens has been better focused, you can more clearly hear clarity and definition, layering and precision of the musical sound stage happening in front of you”
– Terry Ellis, Pursuit Perfect System
The Audiophile Man
“The Silver Diamond interconnects blended a combination of smooth midrange, detail and focus plus an airy midrange to give a splendidly descriptive performance that never sounded pinched or cramped but, on the contrary, allowed the music to roam wherever it fancied. More than anything, this element of trusting the music to do whatever it wanted meant that every piece of music played though them was exciting.The Silver Diamond standard should arrive with a government warning, it’s dangerously easy to listen to these cables.”
– Paul Rigby, The Audiophile Man
Audiophile Videophile
“a euphoric power will liberate freedom, according to the music. Listen, and then feel special, pleasing for this generation of silver diamond cable“
– Audiophile Videophile
HiFi Pig
“These are the best cables I have used in my system… period… and I do not say that lightly! They have been in and out and compared with other cables we have to hand and every time they are taken out there’s an immediate “nope, get them back in” comment from Linette or myself. What they do is difficult to put your finger on exactly; there’s a feeling of rightness and a sense that you are getting closer to the feeling of the music in an emotional sense. There’s more detail, more space…and they just sound right.”
– Stuart Smith, HiFi Pig
Mono & Stereo
“The whole mid/high frequency spectrum unfolds in way that makes you stop and think: what`s going on here? Suddenly there appears to be a huge additional amount of information that was previously hidden somewhere – somehow?!The real icing on the cake is that all this additional musical information comes served, not in a dry, technical manner but in a highly musical form and this makes the whole thing immensely gratifying.The recovered details strongly enhance the sonic realism and instruments and voices sound even more natural and believable than one ever thought would be possible. The Tellurium Q Silver Diamond interconnects achieve all this without becoming bright, harsh or annoying in any conceivable way, no, they just sound incredibly natural and relaxed. A big trick in my book!
If you think you know all your recordings pretty well…I dare you to try the Silver Diamonds; you will be absolutely shocked upon discovering what else is hidden in your precious music collections.”
– Matej Isak, Mono and Stereo
Tone Audio
“Should you be a cable skeptic, this is the one to try. The results are not subtle, with no change in tonality or balance. Just more music everywhere is the word. The Silver Diamond cables impart less of a sonic signature than so many other, so much more expensive cables we’ve tried. Every cable skeptic we know has been bowled over by the Silver Diamond cables.”
– Tone Audio, Awards 2016
HiFi World
“I’ve yet to hear a Tellurium Q cable I’ve not been impressed by. The interconnects, especially, seem to reveal transients and microdynamic information that others seem to muddy. If you are interested in finding out exactly what your components are doing then these cables will let you hear it.”
-Jon Myles, HiFi World
HiFi Plus
“Silver Diamond is extraordinarily transparent, satisfyingly open, full-bodied, with an awesome bass, and extremely sweet and smooth across the midrange.”
-Alan Sircom, HiFi Plus
Sound Rebels
“Solidly crafted, elegant…. defies all rules and attempts to categorize ….they are a class in themselves”
– Marcin Olszewski, Sound Rebels
Mario Tantra
“The cables are amazing… it makes the FOCAL sound much better. The harshness of the Beryllium is much more controllable. The bass is more dynamic, full and tight. The staging is wide … even the speaker position is close.”
– Mario Tantra, MDI Audio, Indonesia